How good a diamond’s cut is has a very important bearing on its value as well as how gorgeous is looks. It is really a gauge of how masterfully a professional has proportioned the stone to exude its beauty when light enters it. A related term is facet which refers to the smooth area of the diamond that has been the subject of cutting.
Now the cut will be more important for certain shapes for instance round. When a cutter crafts a round diamond there are many cuts and really an opportunity for them to make the stone look fantastic. In fact a good cut in regards to a round rock can make up for one that isn’t perfect color wise. Generally the highest grade of of cut is known as ideal followed by premium, very good, good, fair and poor (the last of which is usually not even worth considering).
Potongan cut berlian sangat lah penting karna potongan/cut tersebut yang akan membuat berlian lebih bersinar memancarkan cahaya yang sangat luar biasa seperti pelangi/rainbow terang sparkle dibawah cahaya lampu dan cahaya sinar matahari,
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