One of the 4 most important characteristics of a diamond (4Cs) is its carat weight. The larger the carat size generally the bigger the stone will be (if comparing the same shape). Originating thousands of years ago this measure of how much a diamond ways is often abbreviated as ct.
Larger sizes are more rare and its interesting how the price of a stone jumps when the weight multiplies especially true when talking stones that are above the 1 carat mark. Smaller stones are identified by points starting with .01 which 100 points will actually equal out to 1ct.
When thinking about diamonds to purchase perhaps thinking about the .ct is a good place to start and it can always be reconsidered dependent on the other Cs. Giving up size is worth at times if a rock has other knock your socks off characterics like color, cut and clarity. On the other hand if budgets permit getting all 4Cs is ideal and a large ct. stone that has the other qualities with it is going to be truly impressive.
Berat carat batu permata berlian bagi sebagian orang sangat lah penting siapa yang tidak mau memiliki batu permata berlian besar pasti semua-nya mau kan :-) Tapi buat saya pribadi lebih baik memilih yang berat carat batu berlian-nya kecil asalkan berlian tersebut punya characteristic cut/potongan yang sangat bagus, warna yang putih bersinar dan clarty-nya yang jernih bersih cemerlang tampa ada karang bintik hitam sedikitpun dibalam-nya , Kalau punya buget/dana yang lebih sih alangkah baik-nya kalau punya batu permata berlian yang ber-characteristic The Four C’s 4C’s, Carat berat-nya yang super besar, Cut potongan-nya yang super excellent, Color warna-nya yang super putih bersinar seperti color D , Dan Clarity kejernihan-nya yang super bersih seperti FL flawless or IF Internally flawless atau Clarity VVS1 , Mmmmmmm…That Would Be Fantastic!
Larger sizes are more rare and its interesting how the price of a stone jumps when the weight multiplies especially true when talking stones that are above the 1 carat mark. Smaller stones are identified by points starting with .01 which 100 points will actually equal out to 1ct.
When thinking about diamonds to purchase perhaps thinking about the .ct is a good place to start and it can always be reconsidered dependent on the other Cs. Giving up size is worth at times if a rock has other knock your socks off characterics like color, cut and clarity. On the other hand if budgets permit getting all 4Cs is ideal and a large ct. stone that has the other qualities with it is going to be truly impressive.
Berat carat batu permata berlian bagi sebagian orang sangat lah penting siapa yang tidak mau memiliki batu permata berlian besar pasti semua-nya mau kan :-) Tapi buat saya pribadi lebih baik memilih yang berat carat batu berlian-nya kecil asalkan berlian tersebut punya characteristic cut/potongan yang sangat bagus, warna yang putih bersinar dan clarty-nya yang jernih bersih cemerlang tampa ada karang bintik hitam sedikitpun dibalam-nya , Kalau punya buget/dana yang lebih sih alangkah baik-nya kalau punya batu permata berlian yang ber-characteristic The Four C’s 4C’s, Carat berat-nya yang super besar, Cut potongan-nya yang super excellent, Color warna-nya yang super putih bersinar seperti color D , Dan Clarity kejernihan-nya yang super bersih seperti FL flawless or IF Internally flawless atau Clarity VVS1 , Mmmmmmm…That Would Be Fantastic!
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