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Showing posts from November, 2019

1943d denver mint thomas jefferson us silver nickel coin koin perak kuno dari negara usa lima cents

Here we will look at a silver 1943 D Denver Thomas Jefferson Nickel 5 cents piece.  In this year the D mint made 15.294 million of these which is a somewhat less of a production than comparable war nickels.  This coin is partially made out of silver, in fact thirty five percent of it is made out of the precious metal.  It has precisely .05626 ounces of silver included in it.  Most of the rest of this coin (56%) is of the metal copper and the remainder Manganese.  As you may have noticed in the photos below ours is not the greatest looking example.  Perhaps it may grade in the very good, V8 range.  These coins unfortunately (maybe because of their metal composite) do not take to wear very well and often look like this. Jefferson Nickels feature third President of the USA Thomas Jefferson on their obverse.   He is well remembered for his contributions to early America including his role with the Declaration of Independence, the Louisiana Purc...

1917 franklin 12 cents us stamp used

Here in this post we will discuss the topic of a 1917 Franklin 12 cents us stamp that is used. The subject here is used and this stamp’s centering is decent perhaps fine-very fine.  Benjamin Franklin has been featured many many times on stamps when looking back at US postal history.  He should be as he was Post Master General with the Continental Congress as well as for the previous British Government.  Franklin contributed greatly to progressing the Post Office in the United States including the accounting aspects as well as significantly adding to routes and service. Perangko kuno 12 dua belas Cents dari negara Amerika Serikat tahun 1917 di depan bergambar Ben Franklin,

1955 Fifty Lire L.50 Italian Coin Repvbblica Italiana L 50

1955 Fifty Lire L.50 Italian Coin Repvbblica Italiana L 50 The Lira was formerly the currency for the country of Italy until it adopted the Euro in the year 1999 (though the former was honored until 2002).  Its use dates back nearly 200 hundred years and at one time certain Lire (plural for Lira) coin denominations had silver and even gold in them. See the pictures of an Italian fifty Lire coin (Koin Kuno Italia) from 1955.  The front of this example has a picture of Ceres who was the Roman goddess of grain.  The back of this coin has a man with a hammer hitting an anvil, perhaps a blacksmith.  This L.50 Lire is made out of stainless steel and something like seventy million were made.  This one would grade at least extra fine as wear is minimal. Uang Logam Koin Kuno 50 Lima Puluh Lira Dari Negara Italia Tahun 1955

1898 Scott 286 Farming in the West 2c Stamp

Here is a 1898 Scott 286 Farming in the West 2c Stamp.  This copper red 2 cent cent is part of the Trans-Mississippi issue which highlighted a World's Fair that took place in Omaha, Nebraska.  The purpose of that event was to display the how the western part of the US was developed.  The illustration on this stamp is of a group of horses pulling a plow, a historical common practice in agricultural farming.

2 1/2 Dua Setengah Rupiah Uang Kertas “Rp” Rupiah Mata Uang Indonesia Tahun 1956 Indonesian Bank-Notes Old Paper Money

Republic Indonesia started producing the 2 ½ Rupiah in the year 1951.  Then a few years later in 1954 this bank note was redesigned and then featured an image of a Rotinese man.  The obverse is in a red color with the signature of Jusuf Wibisono (minister of Finance at the time).  The back of the bank note is mostly green with an Indonesian Garuda (bird) sign. Check out the 2.5 Rupiah paper currency (P-75 Indonesia) bill from the year 1956 that we have in the following pictures.  On the back below the Garuda is printed: “BHINNEKA TUNGGAL IKA” which means unity in diversity.  This nice note is in uncirculated condition. 2 1/2 Dua Setengah Rupiah Uang kertas Rupiah mata uang dari Negara Republik Indonesia uang jaman dulu uang kuno antik tahun 1956, Uang kertas kuno 2 1/2 Rupiah ini foto depan bergambar foto wajah seorang bapak tua beliau adalah orang dari daerah Timor-Timur “Rote Orang  Rotinese” kami tidak tau bapak yang di foto ini nama-nya si...

1889 Great Britain Half Crown Coin

What we have here is a 1889 Great Britain Half Crown Coin featuring Queen Victoria.  On the Obverse is Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.  She also held the title of Empress of India.  The design of the obverse of this coin is commonly known as "Jubilee Head."  This 1889 Half Crown is sterling silver.  The legend on the front reads "Victoria Dei Gratia" which is Latin for Victoria by the grace of God.  On the reverse side of this coin is crowned arms within a chain with the date at the bottom.  The reverse legend reads "Britanniarum Regina FID DEF"which is stating that she is the Queen of British Territories and Defender of the Faith.   There were 4.812 million of these struck in 1889.

1894 Austro-Hungary Empire 10 Heller Coin

This post will be about a 1894 Austro-Hungary Empire 10 Heller coin.  This is relatively common as there were 45.558 million of these made that year.  The metal make up of it is nickel and its weight is light at 3 grams.  On its front is an eagle with 2 heads, holding a sword in its left talon and what appears to be a royal helmet in the right.  This was the coat of arms for the Austro Hungarian Empire which was no longer at the end of the World War 1.  The back of this coin has a decorative shield with the value and the year.  Our example here appears to be in extra fine condition. The Krone was the currency of the Austro-Hungarian Empire from the year 1892 until its liquidation at the end of the WWI.  This currency was initiated as part of its going onto the gold standard.  The Heller was a subdivision (100 to 1) of the Krone.

1898 US Scott 285 Marquette on the Mississippi 1c Stamp

This post is about a US Scott 285 Jacques Marquette on the Mississippi United States 1 cent stamp.  It was issued in the year 1898 and is cancelled (postal used) with a numeral 1 circle cancel.  It is the first stamp of the Trans-Mississippi issue.  The centering is nice and appears to be very fine.  Jacques Marquette was a French American Jesuit missionary known for exploring and mapping the Northern part of the Mississippi River Valley (along with Louis Joliet).

Finland 1 Markka Coin from 1972

Here we will take a look at a 1 Markka coin from Finland.  This coin is from the year 1972 and on its front is a crowned lion with a sword in its hand.  Below the lion is the year plus Suomen Tasavalta (which translates into English as Republic of Finland).  The back or reverse side has the denomination and images of trees.  This coin is struck from copper and nickel and has a weight of 6.099 grams.  There were approximately 19.8 million of these made in 1972.  At the bottom of this entry are pictures of our 1972 Finland 1 Markka coin. The Markka was the former currency of Finland which was discontinued in 2002.  It was in existence for more than 140 years and was replaced by the Euro.   At one time the Markka was pegged to the US dollar. Koin kuno satu Markka dari negara Finland tahun 1972.

1948 Franklin Half Dollar US Silver Coin Philadelphia

The first year the Franklin silver half dollar was produced was 1948. There was over 3 million of them that were minted in Philadelphia and greater than 4 million struck in Denver (D mint mark which can be found on the reverse under United States of America). John Sinnock was the mastermind behind the design (plus also is credited with the Roosevelt dime) though it was initially the director of the mint at the time’s idea. It has the great forefather and genius inventor Benjamin Franklin on the front of the coin. The back is adorned with the Liberty Bell and a muscular American Eagle. It is a coin that is 90% silver or .3617 ounces (10.254 grams) of the precious metal in its content and rest of which is copper. Check out the silver 1948 Franklin Half Dollar from Philadelphia below that looks to be in in very fine condition. This is an absolutely great looking coin: Koin kuno uang logam antik dari negara Amerika Serikat koin perak $1/2 setengah dollar US tahun produksi 1...